Raymond Playhouse Board of Directors has a capacity of 15 members which includes President, Vice President, Treasurer and 12 Directors. Each position is a volunteer elected for a one or two-year term. President and Vice President are elected from within those 15 people and the Treasurer is appointed by the board.
The board usually meets once a month, year round. Elections are held at the Annual General Meeting in June. This meeting is open to the public, however, only board members are allowed to vote. If you would like to be part of our board, a letter of intent must be submitted to the board. The letter should indicate your name, date, your skill set, availability to contribute to our shows and your signature. Scanned documents can be emailed to rpstheatre@gmail.com or submitted to any of the following board members.
President – Lori Garner
Vice President – Michelle Dick
Treasurer/Secretary – Chris Sopal
Past President – Barbra Nalder
Michelle Byam
Bob Davis
Heather Aokuso
Barton Heggie
Kendra Start
Sandi Nielson
Lena Chalmers
Tess Hemming
Each show is a huge undertaking. As a board member, you would be required to participate in the production of each show. We rely on the board and many volunteers to create the magic of every show. Not sure what you have to offer? No problem. If you are willing to work and learn, we can teach you.
Stage Manager
Technical Director
Rehearsal Pianist
Makeup Director
Costume Director
Props Manager
Lighting Engineer
Set Builders
General labourers